It's what dreams are made of and nightmares kindled: Most home owners aspire to it; some take a few tentative steps and fewer still are crazy enough to go the full hog! This blog shares some of the trials and tribulations of a major redevelopment of a 1950s home through a cataclysmic transformation which retains the best of the last Century while metamorposing the property into a design classic fit for today's living.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

A piece of history

Redeveloping an old property always carries the odd surprise and a potential blast from the past. So far, we've unearthed a miniature bottle of Gordon's Gin, which saw the light of day during the digging of trenches for the drains. Today, while stripping the last pieces of wallpaper in the lounge/new kitchen, the painter unearthed some "graffiti" under three layers of paper. It turns out the room was redecorated in April 1959, some four years after the house was first built. The scribbles were courtesy of "J E Pizer" and his apprentice of four years, Douglas Wilson. It took another 47 years before the original wallpaper was steamed off the wall, to tell this small piece of history.