It's what dreams are made of and nightmares kindled: Most home owners aspire to it; some take a few tentative steps and fewer still are crazy enough to go the full hog! This blog shares some of the trials and tribulations of a major redevelopment of a 1950s home through a cataclysmic transformation which retains the best of the last Century while metamorposing the property into a design classic fit for today's living.

Sunday, June 04, 2006


It sounds like a piece of harmless fun, but "raggling" is, probably, the most invasive and dusty work you can let yourself in for. It involves cutting out channels in the existing walls - all of which are solid brick - to allow new electrical wires to be fed to each individual switch, socket and light-point. With hundreds of metres to be hooked-up, it's easy to see how the process creates a huge amount of dust and rubble. And that's before we start replumbing the whole house, with floorboards being cut and lifted to gain access to radiators, drains and water pipes...