It's what dreams are made of and nightmares kindled: Most home owners aspire to it; some take a few tentative steps and fewer still are crazy enough to go the full hog! This blog shares some of the trials and tribulations of a major redevelopment of a 1950s home through a cataclysmic transformation which retains the best of the last Century while metamorposing the property into a design classic fit for today's living.

Monday, March 20, 2006

WEEK 2 - Decision time: Pool or extension?

It wasn't really planned but we're heading for a really neat swimming pool in the garden. During excavations, the digger unearthed - or ripped through - the mains water pipe. Spotted the immediate aftermath on the webcam and sat back in my chair waiting for the phonecall... A few minutes later: "Site chief here. We've hit a bit of a snag. Do you know where turn off the mains supply?".

We have no water but the garden has had enough for the next few months! Who said something about hose-pipe bans? The site chief is off to the plumbers merchants to get some connectors and pipe to restore supply.

To cap it all, a truck full of rubble (30+ tonnes) has broken down outside. It's apparently the "diff" - sounds pretty nasty. Perhaps they'll have to off-load the stuff so that they can remove the truck. The good news is that they've shifted 60 tonnes so far today. More to follow...