It's what dreams are made of and nightmares kindled: Most home owners aspire to it; some take a few tentative steps and fewer still are crazy enough to go the full hog! This blog shares some of the trials and tribulations of a major redevelopment of a 1950s home through a cataclysmic transformation which retains the best of the last Century while metamorposing the property into a design classic fit for today's living.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Slowly, slowly...

They look like giant cavities, ready to be filled with the dentist's amalgam. The difference is that these cavities will be packed with concrete, part of the structural work which will ensure the gable end doesn't collapse. Tomorrow, they'll fill the newly-dug pits and once cured, dig another set underneath the existing foundations. In the meantime, the existing foundations and walls are hanging in the air!

The crane which deposited the cabins yesterday is also due to make a return visit as some residents have complained to the authorities that the location of these containers posed a road-traffic hazard. While the contractor had obtained the appropriate permits and approvals, they've agreed to move the units further away from the junction.

On the construction front, the "machine operator", i.e. JCB driver, is due back tomorrow. Hopefully, this will be the start of levelling of the site and some swift construction of foundations.