It's what dreams are made of and nightmares kindled: Most home owners aspire to it; some take a few tentative steps and fewer still are crazy enough to go the full hog! This blog shares some of the trials and tribulations of a major redevelopment of a 1950s home through a cataclysmic transformation which retains the best of the last Century while metamorposing the property into a design classic fit for today's living.

Monday, November 13, 2006

WEEK 35 - Construction planning by the cast of Walt Disney (Delay = 19 weeks)

We've seen them all. Mickey Mouse, Goofey, Uncle Scrooge and the Beagle Boys. But the last few days would easily rank among the top Oscar howling moments for the sheer madness and lack of direction. The crew has lost all control over the plasterers and tilers. Their inability to pull themselves together is nothing short of spectacular. According to site agent, let's call him Huey, he's tried every single tiler in the phonebook within a radius of 50 miles and they're all booked up until March. Now there is no surprise good tilers are committed months in advance, but why did the contractor fail to book a tiler well in advance? We all know the project is running late, but there is absolutely no excuse for making a mess of this. The end result is that we can’t make any real progress in the Link - or anywhere else, as the ceiling can’t be plastered until the bathroom has been tiles and the toilet has been securely been fitted to the floor. Never before has one small part of the project put such a complete stop to our ability to get this finished.

And to cap it all, Huey and the contract manager - "Dewey" - are now failing to return phonecalls. We’re heading towards a crunch-point.